Thursday, May 30, 2013

I am free to dream in Gods glorious and mighty, unending, powerful and HUGE world of possibilities.

This morning I was listening to KLOVE on my way back home from dropping Ana off at school. One of the lines in a song caught my attention. It said something like: "no more dreams....". Lydia heard it too and said almost contemplative: "No more dreams? I have plenty of dreams.....every night! (sigh)". I had to laugh but it also got me thinking about my own dreams.

Obviously, the songwriter did not talk about the dreams during sleep time, that are plenty and more often weird and disconnected. He was talking about the dreams that we have for our lives. It made me wonder if we really reach a time in our lives when we stop dreaming....or as I think it could be formulated, we just stop hoping for things to be achieved, to be changed. We give up on new adventures to come our way and new goals.

When do we stop to hope for something new, something exciting, do we just stop allowing our dreams to define our life choices?

I believe there comes a time when we become "more realistic" about what is really possible. And some of us will start living vigorously through our children. We spend all of our efforts making life liveable, safe and creative for them. We create a whole new world to make sure they can learn, and live to their fullest extent, so they won't miss out! We soon realize that is not it! We are still not doing enough.

We are limiting our kids. We are limiting ourselves.

And then we break out. We have these moments when we suddenly feel the urge to please ourselves. We are just stuck enough, to want to try to find a little light at the end of the tunnel.
Often during those times I stop doing my quiet time. I stop loving my husband. I get exasperated with my children, and avoid contact with those that mean the most to me. I think I am right and others don't understand me. I think I am right!

I THINK I am RIGHT! I have the right to be selfish. It's my right to focus on me!

Our family is getting ready to leave things behind. Not just one little thing that we choose to cut out, like - no chocolate before Easter! No we are leaving behind the first house we ever owned. The first furniture we ever bought ourselves,  will be sold or given away. Comfort items like chairs, beds, carpets, TVs are being left behind....

And guess what. It is the greatest thing I have ever experienced. It is the most selfish thing I have ever done and it is the most uncreative, creative thing I am putting my kids through. It is like shedding 50 pounds, like bungee jumping, catapulting ourselves into space. We are throwing ourselves into a space where there is no gravity! And when we are there, all free, floating around, there is only one thing that stays. We belong to each other. We have to hold on to each other and we have to trust that we will not suddenly be captured by a gravity that is not provided by GOD.  God will not let us fall where we don't belong.

He will fly away with us and will help us land at the perfect place.

And suddenly I know that I have found things to dream about again. I dare to let go of all the things that are keeping me pinned down. All the things that I try to create for my children are only mirror images of what the culture around me is expecting. I am allowed to think freely about our future. Being truly free means to disconnect ourselves from what is normal, comfortable and expected. We are walking together as a family. There is no me - there is us and in that my "me" becomes clearer.

The dreams that I have for my children are not leaving me behind. There is no either - or. Who we are is what defines our dreams. We are a whole. We are a family!

My dreams are simplified and elevated at the same time. I am up for it. I am up for this adventure God wants us to step into. I am not afraid to loose my dreams, I am not gasping for air at the end of a tunnel.

I am just free to dream in Gods glorious and mighty, unending, powerful 
and HUGE world of possibilities.

 "For I know the plans I have for you", God promises in Jeremiah 29:11, "plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." And then in Matthew Jesus says: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you"
I want to know that peace that Jesus promises. (John 16:33)..."that in me, you may have peace..."! I don't have to think of pleasing myself because I am fulfilled in any and every situation God is bringing my way. Selfishness separates me from God. I KNOW I am NOT right!

ME, MYSELF the place I am at right now and the things that I own, the bed that I sleep in and the place I visit, is the last thing I want to dream about, because I am limited
and so will my dreams be. 

Yes we will have moments where everything will look lonely and the world you will have tribulation....BUT JESUS HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD!  (John 16:33)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"The Didi Show" Starring Lydia Moore May 28th

"The Didi Show" May 28th. Our little daughter said the other day that she wanted to be on TV and have a TV show. So we set up a little studio in our family room, and we made our own TV show. We will do this every Friday, and just ask Lydia a few questions about becoming missionaries. We will do our best to give you an entertaining and fun show. We hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Lydia was at youth group with me last night. I had to go to another group to present our Germany ministry. When I came back Lydia was crying and she said that she thought I had left her and was afraid. She said, "but I prayed to Jesus", when I heard this I started crying too. I asked her what she prayed and she said she asked Jesus to help her. I asked "did he help you"? she said "yes, He did I wasn't afraid anymore." She then said she even thought about walking home. I thought of the scripture, "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." (3 John 1:4 NASB) I have been praying that our children would learn to call on Jesus above us as parents. I am so grateful for this early lesson for Lydia where she learned to call on Jesus! Pray and ask God to grow a vision for your children that they would Learn to see and savor Christ even at an early age. 
Also after Ana's birthday party this past weekend Lydia came into the room where Simone was and was also crying and said, "I'm going to miss all our friends when we move to Germany." Simone told her that Jesus will help us make new friends when we get to Germany. She was so surprised and happy that we will make friends there too. These small revelations and learning experiences help our children look to Jesus in all things in this process of becoming missionaries to Geramny. How are you savoring Christ this week? 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Prayer request May 13, 2013

We are so grateful for your prayers. Let me give you some updates.

- our family is getting ready to enjoy a Joni and Friends camp the second week of June. Please pray for safe travel and health. We are asking that all the volunteers feel especially blessed and encouraged by our Lord.
- we then will travel again to Chicago at the end of June to meet with other Missionary Candidates at Teach Beyond. Our whole family is flying and we are excited to meet people we've been talking with for a long time. We are still praying for funds to come in so we can purchase our plane tickets.
- July will be the month for Richards last House boat camp. The Family will join him till Wednesday and then come back home. We are praying for safe travels as well as safety for the kids at camp.
- We are thinking about putting our house on the market in mid August. We are praying for a quick and satisfying sale.

Thank you for your prayers.
The Moores.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Donation Options for Supporting Us

Donation options for Richard and Simone Moore Serving with LEAP Network in Germany

1. Mail
Write a check or purchase a money order payable to TeachBeyond and send to:

PO Box 6248
Bloomingdale, IL 60108-6248

Please note the designation of your donation on a separate slip of paper –
“for the ministry of Richard and Simone Moore" TeachBeyond pledge forms can be downloaded from Each mailed donation generates an official receipt, which is mailed to you, along with a tear-off portion and an addressed return envelope for subsequent donations. The receipt for your final donation of the year will reflect your total year’s giving and can be used for income tax filing.

2. Automatic Withdrawal (EFT – Electronic Funds Transfer)
Funds are transferred directly from the donor’s checking or savings account to TeachBeyond. The donor sends a completed pledge form along with a voided check to the office (use address above). Note that there are only two withdrawal dates each month, the 5th or the 20th. You can indicate which day you prefer. TeachBeyond pledge forms can be downloaded from If you chose to give using an EFT you will receive a monthly email acknowledgment of your donation, as well as a year-end receipt.

3. Online Credit Card Donations via PayPal
On our website click on “Donate.” Then choose either “One-time donation” or “Monthly donations” and follow the prompts. The fees (2.2% plus 30 cents for each transaction) will be deducted before your donation and the remaining gift will be credited to the designated to Richard and Simone, but you will be receipted for the entire amount. Your receipt for your final donation of the year will reflect your total year’s giving and can be used for income tax filing.The option to designate appears after you enter your credit card or PayPal information. TeachBeyond sends a detailed monthly statement to us, which keeps us informed regarding your giving.
Questions? Contact TeachBeyond at:

Tel. 630-324-8177/1-800-381-0076
PO Box 6248
Bloomingdale, IL

Supporters in Germany can now also support us by setting up monthly pledges! Recurring payments can be made with the Janz Team Bank in Germany. We need $50, $100, $150, or more (or Euros) monthly supporters. Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested or you can contact me directly Germans can support by setting up transfers to... 

Sparkasse Lörrach Rheinfelden 
Konto Nr. 1658806 
BLZ 68350048 
In the transfer description: "TeachBeyond missionaries Richard and Simone Moore"


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Quiet time!

My bible is my phone....which I'm using to take a picture, which I'm using to write on our blog.....grrrr too many distraction! Grateful for the time a had with God!

The "not quite here" - and the "almost gone" - life

I was able to learn about a blog written by a Missionary to an Asian country. The title of the blog is "Stressed-out Missionary". In her blog she writes about the turmoil and ups and downs of culture shock. What I really appreciated was her honesty about anger. I struggle with anger. Often I am angry at myself for not being able to keep up with housework a little better, or not having time to hang out with friends. I am angry to have to stay at home and I am angry to have to leave home to go to work. Most of all I am sometimes angry that things are not easy. I do not want to stand on the path of patience and endurance. I want things for once to be quick and easy... and I am scared of the reality of fundraising. 
Yes it is hitting home. Support raising is a exhausting emotional roller-coster. I am constantly praying to not loose friends over this but that might have already happened. We are starting our family on such a new path! To do that step fully I have to start saying goodby to those parts of my life that have been a wonderful constant the places I work, the students I teach, the hours I invested to prepare for worship at Creekside, the hours I sang with my good friend Maranatha, leading worship at women's bible studies, or the most recent women's retreat, the hours I spend on the Freeways I 580, or I 880. The moments spend at the small Safeway Store on Bancroft and Dutton....all is coming to an end.

So we are getting to know a whole new life. The life of a "not quite here anymore" and the "almost gone" life. Even though I am an adventurous person I do like to plan. I like to know that there are friends waiting on the other side, and even though I know there are new friends I am not ready to let go and not ready to invest in a different form of friendship.

Having written all this, I have to say I had to smile while I read the blog "Stressed-out Missionary". I laughed out loud when I read that she threw her bike in the sand and screamed at her kids....Really? Missionaries do that?
Yes, and Missionary candidates do that too. We are not extra holy....maybe we are sometimes extra hole-ie...our brain that is....because we have too much going on and we forget that we are not alone in this. I am so very grateful for the support that has already come in, and is continuously coming in. I am grateful for the encouragement that we see through the friends that are sticking around. I am grateful for the closeness this new adventure has brought to our small family of 5. And I am grateful for the prayer support that is lifting us up when we just threw our bike in the sand and screamed at our children.

"For this reason, since the day YOU heard about us, please don't stop praying for us. Please continually ask God to fill us with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives..." Colossians 1:9
"We want to live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,  being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience." Colossians 1:11

One of my biggest wishes for myself and my family during this time of support raising is, that we may remain thankful and joyful just like it says in Colossians 1. That we can build on the knowledge that in our weakness HE, our wonderful father, is strong. That we are not walking this path alone but leaning on his everlasting arms. We do not have to do this out of our own strength. This is not coming from a overdeveloped sense of adventure, but out of a calling that there is more to do for us and our family; that this is not the end but the beginning.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Which City Do You Live In? Welche Stadt Wohnen Sie?

We live right now in the San Fransisco Bay area.  With represents 6 Million people all who need Jesus desperately.  We are looking forward greatly to living in one of these great Cities in Germany (maybe near Freiburg or Loerach in the Southwest corner of Germany).  If you are German or have a heart for Germany pray for one of these cities.  He is the God of the city because people live there.  These cities that make up Germany represent 80 Million people all who desperately need Jesus.  1-2% of Germany are Evangelical Christians.  So pray with us and send us to make Jesus known among that nation.  Which city is on your heart? and remember that Our God is still the God of these Cities! let this song be our reminder of what we seek, that Our God would be worshiped and praised in each city on earth.