Monday, May 9, 2016

Prayer for Ministry this Summer 2016

I know is has been a long time since I have written anything here. I am sorry for that. I wanted to update you on what is happening here with us this Summer in ministry. I will be preaching at several camps this year. The first one is coming up from May 14 through the 18th. It is with the ministry Word of Life (Wort des Lebens). It is a music camp where students will prepare for a musical during the week of camp. In the last three days of camp they will go and present their musical throughout Germany.
WDL Musicalfreizeit für Jugendliche from Wort des Lebens on Vimeo.
The next camp that I will be speaking at is at a school retreat in the Stuttgart area from July 4 to July 7. The last camp that I will be preaching at is an English camp here in Kandern.  That themes for these camps will be all the "I am" statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. In my research I found out that Matt Chandler has done the same theme a few months earlier at The Village Church in Texas they had a very cool introduction video to that series that I think could help us keep our eyes on Jesus the great "I AM".
I AM - Intro from The Village Church on Vimeo.

 I would appreciate it if you would pray for me in these next months. Please pray for me, "that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel." Also pray for the 400 hundred students or so that I will be ministering to. Pray that they will be touched by Jesus and be able to respond in faith to him.

Also I have many tasks with the Theology and Innovation department. On top of the work of planning for a youth ministry training course, I have the honor of preparing for a Missional Church Planters training course that will be offered through the Theological department. We are working to recruit 8-10 prospective church planters here to Kandern with the goal to train them, and then after a year of coaching and training, sending them out for missional church planting work in Germany. I am also continually busy with youth ministry in the area;  supporting and encouraging youth pastors, and mentoring two young men who have a desire to be church planters. This will be a full Summer so pray that these encounters bring about much fruit for the Gospel. Thanks for reading and...

If God might be calling you to support us you can go to our personalised secure giving link HERE and pledge to support us monthly. God bless you!

"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen."
Jude 24-25

"Gott allein kann uns davor bewahren, dass wir vom rechten Weg abirren. So können wir von Schuld befreit und voller Freude vor ihn treten. Ihm, dem einzigen Gott, der uns durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn, gerettet hat, gehören Ehre, Ruhm, Macht und Herrlichkeit. So war es schon immer, so ist es jetzt und wird es in alle Ewigkeit sein. Amen."
Judas 24,25

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